Mario Abandons Yoshi!: 1/3

Mario: "Okay-a-Yoshi. I think we can-a make-a this jump!"
Yoshi: "Um... Mario. I don't think we ca- wait... WAIT WOAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING? MARIOOOooooo!"
*Mario jumped off Yoshi for a boost in the middle of the pit.*
Mario: "Ha ha! I got it! *breaks tape on the exit line*"
Yoshi: *respawns in an egg in a "?" box* "Grrr... I will get Mario for this!"
''Okay, so this is how it all began. No, this is NOT a fanfic, just seems like it but it gets creepi- er I mean "trollish" after a few lines.''
Mario: "What is-a-this? *bumps "?" box* Another-a-Yoshi Egg? YIPPE!"
Yoshi: "Try and catch me, Fatass!" *runs away*"
Mario: "Yoshi! Come-a-back!*chases after him*"
*Yoshi and Mario enter a portal into my SNES "Super Mario World game"*
Hello! My name is Bob. And here is me playing Super Mario World. Well, my experience. So, I was playing it one day and it looked normal. I hit "start" to start the game. The map screen looked strange, it looked a little darker than usual, but Mario was normal. I went to "Yoshi's House".
There was a message box that said "FIND ME -Yoshi" ALLLL-righty then! So, I exited and went to "Yoshi's Island 2". Wen I entered, I stomped on the Koopa and HYPER REALISTIC blood came out! Then, I hit the box to save Yoshi, but instead of the usuall message, it read "FUCKYOU" I got scared, cuz yolo. 
Then, I mounted Yoshi but Yoshi screamed and cried Hyper REALISTIC BLOOOD! Ohh scary! And then he said "YOURENEXT" in a text box.
To be continued...